A drop-down list will be open choose the ‘Key Selected’ option from this list. To set key at only one property, select that property by click on that and make right-click with the mouse button. Step 8: You can set this keyframe at any one of the properties of any object. Step 7: You can see the key with the red sign at the properties of this cube in the channel box of this software. Step 6: Now press the S button from the keyboard for setting the key at this keyframe. I will click on the starting frame of the keyframe slider area. Go to the keyframe slider area at the bottom of the perspective viewport and click on a keyframe in the keyframe area from where you want to start your animation. Step 5: Now, let us animate this 3d object. Now move this cube by holding Y-axis handle and drag it in the Y direction.
For the move command, press the W button for the keyboard or click on the Move command icon of Manipulating bar. Step 4: Now move this cube above the gird line by using the move command. Now increase scale by holding and dragging the scale handle buttons. For adjusting, the press R button from the keyboard for scale command or click on the scale icon of the Manipulating bar on the left side of the viewport. Step 3: Now, draw a cube and adjust this cube according to you. For the box, go to the Poly Modeling option above the Shelf bar and click on the Polygon Cube command option.
Step 2: Now, let us create a box for our 3d animation. below this, we have a status line which has some short cut command for making our work easy, below this, we have shelf bar in which you can set most frequently used tools according to you, below these bars there are three sections that are Manipulating bar at the left side which have Move tool, Scale tool, Rotate tool and some others, at the center we have perspective viewport (you can have all viewport at a time by pressing space bar of the keyboard), at the right side we have Channels and other tabs which show you properties of the selected object and allows you to make a change in them, at the upper right corner we can choose Workspace theme, at the bottom end we have Timeline section for animating our objects. Step 1: At the top of the working screen of this software, we have a Menu bar which will change with the changing the method of working these methods are Modeling, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, etc. 3D animation, modelling, simulation, game development & others